Maria Oshodi

Latest news

Taking Flight to Japan

I was awarded an ASEF Cultural Mobility grant this summer and In October I visited Japan for the first time. I am now beginning production on a new touring show called Flight Paths in collaboration with Yellow Earth, the UK’s leading South East Asian theatre company. Together the artistic Director Kumiko Mendel of Yellow Earth […]

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WOW 2018

Maria among the winners and nominees of the 2018 Women of the World award event

Maria among the winners and nominees of the 2018 Women of the World award event

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Diverse, but diverse from what? Being a blind experimental theatre practitioner is generally perceived as diverse, but this is normality as far as I am concerned. My art practise is informed by my norm but bringing my practise into a more public arena, turns it into something other than the norm. Conversely, bringing what would […]

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The Creative Case

I was a respondent at the Creative Case conference in Manchester – The following things struck me during the Corse of the day: Curious that a Council of the Arts launches its creative case for diversity well after its other business, moral and legal cases have been made. One key note speech asserted that large […]

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Creating a case for the future

As with science and its former relationship with quantum theory, the arts knows that diversity is there and is a fundamental part of the way the world works, however most of us are locked into perceiving things akin to Newton’s traditional laws of physics, though we know that this is not the full picture. So […]

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Diversity within diversity

Creativity is the cross pollination and re –synthesising of a whole range of thoughts, feelings, experiences and influences. It stands to reason that the more exposed you are to a more diverse source of raw material the richer and deeper will the creativity be. So both arts practise coming from the margins and the main-stream […]

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