Update on A Trail of 2 Cities – June 2021
In the first six-months of 2021 TO2C was kick-started again, following the pause caused by the pandemic of 2020.
We are delighted that the team has now been joined by Nic Sandiland (Editor)
and Crin Claxton (Production Manager)
https://uk.linkedin.com › crin-claxton-26217330https://uk.linkedin.com › crin-claxton-26217330
Whilst waiting for the world to re-open, PEARL (Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory) UCL’s first net-zero carbon in-use building) has been moving towards completion. It is a unique, urban prototype laboratory for the creation of full size environments to test how people use infrastructure and cities.
Director of PEARL Nick Tyler, Chadwick Professor of Engineering and Director of UCL Centre for Transport Studies, has offered A Trail of 2 Cities an up-grade in the form of hosting the presentation of the project at this new facility, instead of the original proposed location at PAMELA in North London.
The TO2C team went on an invited tour of the amazing new facility in June, led by Nick.
Journeying out to Dagenham East in Barking on a hot sunny day , and walking across the vast approach to this monumental new building, seemed like the trail of London and LA were finally converging!
The technology, design, space and beauty of the venue is overwhelming and makes you feel a better world is possible. I am both terrified and extraordinarily excited to explore how we will make the presentation of the TO2C research work at PEARL in October 2021.